Cousins ~ haibun

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Cousins ~ haibun

Postby Stella » Sun Mar 12, 2017 10:39 am

Do you remember how we paddled barefoot
at the edge of the river tucking up our skirts,
the one that ran through the meadow near your house?
I can still feel the reeds quivering on my bare legs,
the welcome coolness of water running over them;
and those jam jars with string tied round the rim
in which to put our tiddlers, sticklebacks and newts.

I can still see the steam engine pulling the London train
on the rail track above the grassy slope behind the fence;
us waving to the engine drivers, and them waving back.

Almost seventy years ago and I still remember vividly
what happy summer days we shared as children.

We blossomed
like meadow flowers
‘neath the sun.

(c) Stella Armour 2015

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Karin Anderson
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Re: Cousins ~ haibun

Postby Karin Anderson » Sun Mar 12, 2017 11:47 pm

Haibun is such a lovely way to express memories as you have and what fun we could have as children. I can imagine it all with your vivid poetry and the last stanza sums it up beautifully and reflects the beautiful flowers in your picture Stella!

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Re: Cousins ~ haibun

Postby ShelleyA » Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:49 am

A beautiful write about your childhood memories. A skillfully crafted halibun. Vivid imagery and descriptives. Lovely depth of feeling. Good word choice. Well penned and a most enjoyable read. Write on.

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