Winter (prose)

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Winter (prose)

Postby Stella » Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:45 pm


Today Winter arrived; I had expected her sooner, but Autumn stayed longer than expected thus delaying her arrival.

She was waiting outside in the garden when I awoke this morning. I could sense her presence by the chill in the air, and although Autumn had lingered for a long time it was in a way sad to know that she had finally faded away.

When I opened the door it was a delight to see that Winter had embellished her bed with snow white pillows and matching coverlets. She had decorated the trees in diamante sparkles that slowly dripped ecstatic tears.

As the sun began to rise Robin was already awake and was watching in admiration as Winter spread her frozen flakes to adorn his favourite fence, they were playing a game he hopped about leaving tiny footprints and she filled them in again as quickly as he could hop some more.

Bright red Holly berries wore white fluffy bonnets, their sculptures leaves glazed in fine, frosted lace.

Oh yes Winter had arrived in her own flamboyant way

© Stella Armour 31-10 2015.

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Re: Winter (prose)

Postby Cindy » Thu Dec 31, 2015 3:07 pm

This is so beautiful and so is the picture. I love the silent muted feeling of the first snow of winter. Your poem brought that to mind so well.

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