This one is written for my English friend Kate who now lives in a suburb of Paris after a long stint in Delhi... She lost her Indian pet cat named Chapati in Paris but was fortunate enough to find him after four months!
Chapati came home,
after four long months.
He just sauntered in
without much ado.
I stood there staring,
in sheer disbelief!
How could my lost cat
slip in, just like that?
I'd scoured the gardens
of Bois de Boulogne,
looking all over
for my sleek black pet,
who'd travelled with me
all the way from Delhi,
only to get lost
in tony Suresnes!
Now that he is back,
my worries are over.
I'll be celebrating.
his safe return home.
All the neighbourhood
cat lovers will be
invited to tea
with Chapati and me.