Sleepless Dreams - Abhanga

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Sleepless Dreams - Abhanga

Postby zephyrwords » Sat Jul 09, 2016 11:40 am

Through distant tunnel time,
I hear you calling me.
In darkness I can't see
your gentle face.

Tossed in turbulent sheets,
you come at troubled night.
A mother's grievous plight
still tortures me.

Tracing memories dear,
I follow in the dark,
then glimpse you like a lark
escape my grasp.

Though years out span my reach,
I miss you child of mine.
I'll hold you one more time
in sleepless dreams.

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Re: Sleepless Dreams - Abhanga

Postby Stella » Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:51 pm

such beautifully sad words Colleen, my heart reaches out to you...

I like your new avatar it's cute :)

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Re: Sleepless Dreams - Abhanga

Postby Cindy » Sun Jul 10, 2016 9:36 pm

Very sad and very beautiful. I love the last two lines. They're so haunting.

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Re: Sleepless Dreams - Abhanga

Postby zephyrwords » Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:48 am

Thank you! I was watching a crime show on ID TV. The horror these people experience when their children are taken from them was my inspiration. So very very sad. Truly, if this loss were my own I don't think I could write about it.

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