Dickie Sparrow goes “Dancing”

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Dickie Sparrow goes “Dancing”

Postby Stella » Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:15 pm


Dickie Sparrow ruffled his feathers
at flirtatious Frankie Finch
after he caught his wife with him
flapping wings in a passionate clinch.

Frankie said they were dancing,
but Dickie knew he was telling lies.
“Just you leave my wife alone
or you may get a nasty surprise!”

Now Magpie who had been watching
flew off to tell Jim Cuckoo
and the pair went to see wise old Owl
to see what they should do.

“Don’t you know I am sleeping”
he said, twisting his head right round,
“Once Frankie has had his naughty way
he’ll be after Ruby, I’ll be bound”.

When the pals told Dickie
he pulled a tail feather out.
Frankie must not ”Dance” with Ruby
of that there was no doubt.

So Dickie took Ruby for a worm lunch
whilst Jim and Magpie hatched a plan,
they sent a message to Frankie
to go to Ruby’s nest as fast as he can.

Frankie was all excited
he didn’t want Mrs Sparrow anymore
he flew straight away to Ruby’s tree
but got more than he bargained for.

Magpie had spread some silver foil
then Jim had covered it in honey
Frankie’s feathers all stuck together
and, oh it was so funny.

Even Mrs Sparrow had a little twitter
and the old Owl hooted with glee.
“Would you like to “Dance?” Dickie asked Ruby
and they flew to a far-away tree…..

© Stella Armour 07-06-2013
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Seema Chowdhury
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Re: Dickie Sparrow goes “Dancing”

Postby Seema Chowdhury » Fri Sep 18, 2015 10:11 pm

A fun and an interesting write Stella, really enjoyed reading it this evening.

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